Monday, May 31, 2010

Old injuries

Do you have an injury that happened some time ago but just wont stop bugging you. Well here are a few tips to help you mend. As always, you should check with your doctor!
ICE ICE BABY..yes, its not always a pleasant sensation, but its very helpful for those injuries. Alternate ice and heat (10min on followed by say 60 min off a few times a day if possible).
Stretch the area (only if you KNOW you are not doing further damage, again see your doctor). Do some range of motion stretches and activate the muscles.
My final tip is just common sense. Think about your daily life, what movements are you doing that may be aggrevating the area, or even making it worse? Most of us need to stop and think about this. For me, its the phone at my pharmacy job, I know better, but I often lock the phone between my ear and shoulder to keep my hands free to keep working...So now I know why my neck has hurt a lot more than usually lately.
Ofcourse a good massage is always a nice frosting topper to this!
Here is to your health and happiness!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Intraoral massage

Eye Pain
Jaw Popping/Clicking/Tension
Face and teeth pain
These are just some of the things that Intraoral massage can help with.

Latex-free gloves are worn while working inside the mouth to release the muscles and tissue involved in mastication and jaw clenching.

IntraOral Massage gently releases muscles inside the jaw, as a stand alone treatment or added to your current massage treatments, it can be extremely helpful.

I will be attending my class in June and be licensed to perform shortly after.

More information about this little known massage technique will be posted after I attend the class.